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Scholarly Activity from the 2017 -2023 Academic Year

July 2022 - June 2023​
  • Patel H, Zughaib M, Rajpurohit D, Whitler C, Kalaba F, Bradley C, Zughaib M. Dearth of electrophysiology fellows: perspectives from cardiology fellows-in-training. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2022 Aug;45(8):950-957. doi: 10.1111/pace.14554. Epub 2022 Jul 20. PMID: 35789093.​



July 2021 - June 2022


  • Brikho S, Zughaib M T, Tsaloff G, et al. (April 19, 2022) Evaluating the Appropriateness of Pulmonary Embolism Admissions in a Community Hospital Emergency Department. Cureus 14(4): e24292. doi:10.7759/cureus.24292


  • Zughaib MT, Patel K, Leka M, Affas S. Self-Induced Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis: When to Stop the Drip. Cureus. 2022 Jan 31;14(1):e21768. doi: 10.7759/cureus.21768. PMID: 35251838; PMCID: PMC8890007.


  • Zughaib MT, Singh R, Letourneau M, Zughaib ME. Impact of Hydroxychloroquine Treatment of COVID-19 on Cardiac Conduction: The Beat Goes On. COVID MDPI, 2021, 1, 458-464.


  • Zughaib MT, Patel H, Zughaib ME. Successful Medical Management of an Acute Ascending Aortic Dissection After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. Cureus. 2021;13(8):e17086. Published 2021 Aug 11. doi:10.7759/cureus.17086​



July 2020 - June 2021


  • LeTourneau M, Zughaib MT, Berry A, Zughaib ME. The Burden of Unnecessary Testing from a Regularly Ordered Laboratory Assay: Age Adjusted D-Dimer Quality Improvement Study. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis. 2020 Jan-Dec;26:1076029620939182. doi: 10.1177/1076029620939182. PMID: 32907350; PMCID: PMC7493266.


  • Zughaib MT, Ters P, Singh R, Zughaib ME. Urban vs Suburban: Is the Door to Balloon Time Affected By Geographic , Socioeconomic, Or Racial Differences? A Tale of Two Campuses. Cardiology Research and Practice. 2020 Sep 8;2020:8367123. doi: 10.1155/2020/8367123. PMID: 32963825; PMCID: PMC7495227.


  • Ciuro J, Beyer A, Fritzler J, Jackson N, Ahsan S. Health Care Disparities and Demand for Expanding Hereditary Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines in African Americans. Clin Breast Cancer. 2021 Jun;21(3):e220-e227. doi: 10.1016/j.clbc.2020.08.010. Epub 2020 Sep 3. PMID: 33168447.



July 2019 - June 2020
  • Diaczok BJ, S Brennan, D Levine, R Hilu, N Thati, J Kruer, S Ahsan, P McNally, and D Pieper. Comparison of Resident Self-Evaluation to Standardized Patient Evaluators in a Multi-Institutional Objective Structured Clinical Examination: Objectively Measuring Residents' Communication and Counseling Skills. Simulation in Healthcare, 15(Apr):69-74, 2020.  PMID 32044855


  • Hakim C, C Melitas, E Nguyen, and K Ngo. Atypical Manifestation of DRESS Syndrome. Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine, 2020(Apr):6863582, 2020.  PMID 32328318


  • Melitas C, SA Sorser, A Haidar, N Battista, I Turk, TB Gardner, and DG Adler. Factors Predicting Readmission Within 30 Days of Acute Pancreatitis Attack: A Prospective Study. Pancreatology, 19(Sep):805-806, 2019.   PMID 31378581


  • Singh R, M Naidu, Y Bader, D Freeman, and M Zughaib. Appropriate Use of Transesophageal Echocardiogram for Infective Endocarditis: A Single Center Experience. Cardiology Research and Practice, 2019(Oct):7670146, 2019.  PMID 31772771


Conference Presentations: 

  • Abdu B, S Akolkar, C Picking, J Boura, and M Piper. Delayed paracentesis is common for patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: a multicenter retrospective experience. American College of Gastroenterology, October, 2019, in San Antonio, TX (poster)


  • Asper E and A Shuker. Shh, silent MI: Herpes can't keep secrets . Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 10-13, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (poster)


  • Avedikian J, A Raniwsky, E Landa, K Arndt, and A Shuker. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream...induced angioedema. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 10-13, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (poster)


  • Guseynova A, L Weiner, and C Vakhariya. An Unexpected Cause of Splenomegaly and B Symptoms. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 10-13, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (oral) (Award: Third place - Resident oral - clinical vignette presentation)


  • Hakim C, C Melitas, and K Ngo. UnDRESSing Elevated Liver Enzymes. American College of Gastroenterology, October, 2019, in San Antonio, TX (Poster)


  • Karapetyan M, A Zakaria, Z Iskenderian, and E Husarsky. TB or not TB. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 10-13, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (poster)


  • Landa E, L Weiner, M Saleh, W Farra, and R Manam. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Chest Wall with Minimal Lung Involvement. American College of Chest Physicians, October, 2019, in New Orleans, LA (Poster)


  •  Makadsi S, E Asper, A Easow, P Jain, D White, and S Miles. A Fatal Case of Metformin Toxicity. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 10-13, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (Oral)


  • Markosyan M, A Zakaria, E Husarsky, and Z Iskenderian. Tb or not Tb. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (Oral/Poster)


  • Nicholson C, C Stennett, M Markosyan-Karapetyan, and A Capatina-Rata. An uncommon case of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome linked to vancomycin therapy . Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 10-13, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (oral)


  • Raniwsky A, J Avedikian, E Landa, K Arndt, and A Shuker. A quacky case: pet duck associated salmonellosis. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 10-13, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (poster)


  •  Stennett C, S Ahsan, M Ahsan, and R Singer. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda: The Potential Harbinger of Dermatologic Disease. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (Poster)


  • Stennett C, S Ahsan, M Ahsan, and R Singer. Hepatitis C: The potential harbinger of dermatologic disease . Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 10-13, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (poster)


  • Toor R. Acetaminophen strikes back: generalized bullous fixed drug eruption caused by polysensitivity to acetaminophen and fluconazole. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 10-13, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (poster)


  • Verma A, C Stennett, and S Ahsan. Internist beware: Keeping hereditary cancer syndromes in mind be it in infancy or old age . Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 10-13, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (poster)


  • Zakaria A, M Wider, J Selis, M Williams, and M Marshall. Hepatic Blood Flow and Oxygen Delivery in Metabolic Syndrome. American College of Gastroenterology, October, 2019, in San Antonio, TX (Poster)


  • Zakkar K, A Mendelson, M Rosen, and V Kinni. The pressure is on! A unique presentation of a paraganglioma . Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 10-13, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (oral)


  • Zlatopolsky M, A Brdak, A Rader, J Larios, J Ciuro, MA Marshall, M Williams, and S Steigerwalt. Unobserved Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement in a Predominantly African-American Cohort: More Effort but Less Pressure. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 10-13, 2019, in Grand Rapids, MI (oral)



July 2018 - June 2019
  • Akolkar S, C Melitas, and M Piper. Pelvic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor With Pulmonary Metastasis. ACG Case Reports Journal, 6(Aug):e00205, 2019.  PMID 31737732


  • Akolkar S, J Patel, B Abdu, and S Sorser. The Cloaked Intruder: An Unexpected Case of Eosinophilic Cholangitis. ACG Case Reports Journal, 6(Nov):e00235, 2019.  PMID 32309464


  • Khan Z, Tolia S, Sanam K, Gholkar G, Zughaib MT, Naik S, Zughaib ME. Is there still a role for renal artery stenting in the management of renovascular hypertension - a single-center experience and where do we stand in 2018? Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine. 2019 Mar;20(3):202-206. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2018.06.008. Epub 2018 Jun 20. PMID: 29934065.


  • Reap L, S Ahsan, and M Saleh. Beyond BRCA: a Case Series Examining the Advent of Multigene Panel Testing. Clinical Breast Cancer, 18(Aug):e431-e439, 2018.  PMID 29739691


  • Reap LE, C Rodd, J Larios, and M Marshall. Hydrochlorothizide-Induced Acute Generalised Exanthematous Pustulosis Presenting With Bilateral Periorbital Impetigo. BMJ Case Reports, 12(Feb):bcr-2017-223528, 2019.  PMID 30755424


  • Singh R, EJ Landa, and C Machado. Atrial-Esophageal Fistula After Catheter Ablation: Diagnosing and Managing a Rare Complication of a Common Procedure. American Journal of Case Reports, 20(Apr):557-561, 2019.  PMID 31004079


  • Zakaria A, B Abdu, B Al Share, M Manabat, and K Ngo. Pseudomelanosis Intestini "From Pylorus to Jejunum:" A Rare Endoscopic Finding in a Patient With GI Bleeding. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 7(Sep):1120-1122, 2018.  PMID 30598973


  • Zakaria A, K Hipp, N Battista, E Tommolino, and C Machado. Fatal Esophageal-Pericardial Fistula As a Complication of Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports, 7(Apr):2050313X19841150, 2019.  PMID 31057797


  • Zakaria A, N Hammad, C Vakhariya, and M Raphael. Somatostatinoma Presented As Double-Duct Sign. Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine, 2019(May):9506405, 2019.  PMID 31210994


  • Zlatopolsky M, D Brancheau, and M Zughaib. At the "Threshold" of Certainty: Risk Stratification and Clinical Assessment Incongruity in the Diagnosis of Aortic Dissection. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports, 6(May):2050313X18774639, 2018.  PMID 29780589


Conference Presentations: 

  • Abdu B, E Goldman, E Landa, E Hart, M Rosen, and V Kinni. Acute Tianeptine Triple Toxicity. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October, 2018, in Acme, MI (Poster) (Award: First place - Resident poster presentation)


  • Akolkar S, L Weiner, and S Miles. A Swampy Cause of Cholangitis. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 13-15, 2018, in Acme, MI (poster)


  • Akolkar S, C Melitas, J Patel, and M Piper. The Enemy Strikes Back… GIST a Thought Provoking Case. American College of Gastroenterology, October 5-10, 2018, in Philadelphia, PA (Poster)


  • Akolkar S, J Kathawa, B Abdu, S Cheng, C Picking, E Tommolino, C Melitas, J Boura, and MS Piper. Digital Rectal Exams are Rarely Performed in the Workup of Constipation. Digestive Disease Week, May 18-21, 2019, in San Diego, CA (Poster)


  • Aldaoud M, Y Bader, E Hiner, and M Zughaib. Are you contemplating an inpatient evaluation? Providence Hospital Research Day, April 10, 2019, in Southfield, MI (oral)


  •  Ali S, B Hooks, and W Farra. Pulmonary vein invasion: not your typical PE. Chest, October, 2018, in San Antonio, TX (Poster)


  • Bader Y, L Weiner, J Heffernan, R Singh, and D Small. Can Social Stress Break the Heart Twice? Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 19-22, 2018, in Acme, MI (poster)


  • Calderon M, AA Moses, R Mazurkiewicz, and M DeVita. Aim to improve folate ordering in normocytic and macrocytic anemia at Lenox Hill hospital. Society of General Internal Medicine, May 8-11, 2019, in Washington, DC (poster)


  • Ciuro J and R Kiel. The First Reported Case of Pasteurella Canis Osteomyelitis without Animal Bite Exposure. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 19-22, 2018, in Acme, MI (Poster)


  • El-Mais I, T Gupta, K Hipp, and A Shuker. Combination Therapy in the Management of Charles Bonnet Syndrome. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 3, 2019, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Freeman D, J Heffernan, and A Shuker. A Rising Etiology for Variant Angina? Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 3, 2019, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Ge CX, A Rader, E Asper, and N Shabo. A Case of Atrioventricular Nodal Reentry Tachycardia Secondary to Lung Cancer. American College of Physicians, April, 2019, in Philadelphia, PA (Poster)


  • Gupta T, Y Takruri, and Z Iskenderian. Group A Streptococcus: "From Cunnilingus to Septic Shock". Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 3, 2019, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Guseynova A, Y Bader, M Aldaoud, and W Nona. A rare case of a transient STEMI after TAVR. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 10, 2019, in Southfield, MI (poster)


  • Guseynova A, L Weiner, and C Vakhariya. An Unexpected Cause of Splenomegaly and B Symptoms. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 3, 2019, in Sterling Heights, MI (oral) (Award: Second place - Resident oral - clinical vignette presentation)


  • Hakim C, E Nguyen, C Melitas, and K Ngo. UnDRESSing Elevated Liver Enzymes. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 3, 2019, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Hakim C, C Melitas, E Nguyen, and K Ngo. UnDRESSing elevated liver enzymes. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 10, 2019, in Southfield, MI (poster)


  • Hammad N, A Zakaria, and N Warra. Miller Fisher Syndrome. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 3, 2019, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Hart E, M Markosyan, and M Williams. Pacemaker Beware, You're in for a Scare: An Interesting and Rare Case of Pacemaker Endocarditis. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October, 2018, in Acme, MI (Poster)


  • Hart E, B Eperjesiova, and A Gelaye. A rare case of broncho-pericardial fistula as a result of necrotizing pneumonia. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 10, 2019, in Southfield, MI (poster)


  • Hart E, G Singh, K Leung, and M Assad. Severe Right Heart Dysfunction in the setting of Pericardial Decompression Syndrome. Society of Critical Care Medicine, February, 2019, in San Diego, CA (Oral)


  • M, H Assad, B Barbat, A Hukku, A Balakrishnan, and R Bloom. Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy, social economics, and informed medical decision making. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 19-22, 2018, in Acme, MI (poster) (Award: Second place - Resident poster - research presentation)


  • Karapetyan M, A Zakaria, Z Iskenderian, and E Husarsky. TB or not TB. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 3, 2019, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Kathawa J, R Kahl, J Patel, A Putrus, J Boura, and M Piper. Racial Factors Influence Appropriate Albumin Infusion After Undergoing Large Volume Paracentesis: Retrospective Study from Multiple Community-Based Hospitals. American College of Gastroenterology, October, 2018, in Philadelphia, PA (Poster)


  • Landa E, L Weiner, P Sinha, and D Small. Pop Goes the... Lung. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October, 2018, in Acme, MI (Poster)


  • Leung E, S Lakshumanan, A Aouthmany, S Rosenblum, and G Singh. Peculiar presentation of vertigo in hypothyroidism. Society of Hospital Medicine, March 24-27, 2019, in National Harbor, MD (poster)


  • Makadsi S, A Loomis, J Larios, N Shabo, and A Capatina-Rata. Right upper quadrant pain in a young female - what “fitz” the presentation? Providence Hospital Research Day, April 10, 2019, in Southfield, MI (poster)


  • Markosyan M, A Zakaria, Z Iskenderian, and E Husarsky. TB or not TB? Providence Hospital Research Day, April 10, 2019, in Southfield, MI (poster)


  • Mendelson A and Z Iskenderian. Cryptogenic Stroke or Systemic Sclerosis Complication: A Curious Case. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 3, 2019, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Patel M, A Aouthmany, L Weiner, K Arndt, K Leung, A Forman, and V Kinni. The Perplexing Tale of a Man with Many Symptoms; Diagnosing Secondary Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 3, 2019, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Singh R, E Landa, and C Machado. Atrial-esophageal fistula after catheter ablation: diagnosing and managing a rare complication of a common procedure. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 10, 2019, in Southfield, MI (poster)


  • Singh R, E Landa, and C Machado. Atrial-Esophageal Fistula After Catheter Ablation. American College of Cardiology, March, 2019, in New Orleans, Lousiana (Poster)


  • Stennett C, S Ahsan, M Ahsan, and R Singer. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda: A Potential Harbinger of Hepatitis C Infection. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 3, 2019, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Tommolino E, S Akolkar, J Kathawa, B Abdu, S Cheng, C Picking, C Melitas, J Boura, and M Piper. Digital rectal exams are rarely performed in the workup of constipation. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 10, 2019, in Southfield, MI (oral) (Award: Second place - Fellow oral presentation)


  • Weiner L, S Akolkar, and S Miles. A swampy cause of cholangitis. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 10, 2019, in Southfield, MI (poster)


  • Weiner L, S Akolkar, E Landa, and S Miles. A Swampy Cause of Cholangitis. American Thoracic Society, May 17-22, 2019, in Dallas, TX (Poster)


  • Weiner L, E Landa, AM Pasha, and M Ehtesham. Is Fat Always Bad? The Lifesaving Effect of Lipid Emulsion Therapy. American Thoracic Society, May 17-22, 2019, in Dallas, TX (poster)


  • Zlatopolsky M, V Gladwill, M Aldaoud, and M Assaad. Under Pressure - Communicable or Iatrogenic Cardiomyopathy? Society of General Internal Medicine, May 8-11, 2019, in Washington, DC (Poster)


  • Zlatopolsky M, A Brdak, A Rader, J Larios, J Ciuro, MA Marshall, M Williams, and S Steigerwalt. Unobserved Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement in a Predominantly African-American Cohort: More Effort but Less Pressure. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 3, 2019, in Sterling Heights, MI (oral) (Award: Third place - Resident oral - research presentation)



July 2017 - June 2018


  • Al-Share B, A Zakaria, E Hiner, Z Iskenderian, and N Warra. Primary Angiitis of the Center Nervous System: a Clinical Challenge Diagnosed Postmortem. Case Reports in Neurological Medicine, 2017(Jul):3870753, 2017.  PMID 28758039


  • ​Haidar A, S Kaur, N Jackson, JM Parungao, M Piper, and A Cutler. Medical Treatment for Microscopic Colitis: a Community Hospital's Experience. Gastroenterology Research, 10(Dec):329-333, 2017.  PMID 29317939


  • Holmes HJ, ER Thakur, JN Carty, MS Ziadni, HK Doherty, NA Lockhart, H Schubiner, and MA Lumley. Ambivalence Over Emotional Expression and Perceived Social Constraints As Moderators of Relaxation Training and Emotional Awareness and Expression Training for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. General Hospital Psychiatry, 53(May):38-43, 2018.  PMID 29751205


  • Lumley MA, H Schubiner, NA Lockhart, KM Kidwell, SE Harte, DJ Clauw, and DA Williams. Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Education for Fibromyalgia: a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Pain, 158(Dec):2354-2363, 2017.  PMID 28796118


  • Thakur ER, HJ Holmes, NA Lockhart, JN Carty, MS Ziadni, HK Doherty, JM Lackner, H Schubiner, and MA Lumley. Emotional Awareness and Expression Training Improves Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 29(Dec):e13143, 2017.  PMID 28643436


  • Zakaria A, B Al Share, G Kaspar, and D Small. A Fluttering Coronary Event. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 7(Apr):468-470, 2018.  PMID 30090798


  • Ziadni MS, JN Carty, HK Doherty, JH Porcerelli, LJ Rapport, H Schubiner, and MA Lumley. A Life-Stress, Emotional Awareness, and Expression Interview for Primary Care Patients With Medically Unexplained Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Health Psychology, 37(Mar):282-290, 2018.  PMID 29154608


Conference Presentations: 

  • Akolkar S and M Rosen. Horse or zebra? A case of pancreatic cancer and an isolated brain mass. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 4, 2018, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Ali H, A Capatina-Rata, and S Iqbal. The Troponin Masquerade. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 19-22, 2017, in Acme, MI (poster) (Award: First place - Resident poster - clinical vignette presentation)


  • Ali S, S Wadhwani, R Toor, M Markosyan, and A Capatina-Rata. Intussusception not just a pediatric problem. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 4, 2018, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Ciuro J, A Forman, L Reap, and S Lyons. Double Expressor Lymphomas are Common, Aggressive and Overlooked. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 19-22, 2017, in Acme, MI (poster)


  • Ciuro J, D Blumenthal, L Goldman, and E Abu-Isa. Sniffing out a rare diagnosis: an atypical presentation and treatment of extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 11, 2018, in Southfield, MI (poster) (Award: Second place - Resident case report poster presentation)


  • Hart E, J Ciuro, and Z Iskenderian. Bleeding to death: a rare and atypical presentation of a life-threatening bleeding from a gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 4, 2018, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Hipp K, A Naqvi, B Tyson, and I Shanidze. Hard to Swallow: Fresh Frozen Plasma Still Has Utility in Treating Hereditary Angioedema. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 19-22, 2017, in Acme, MI (poster)


  • Karapetyan M, E Hart, J Heffernan, and M Marshall. A curious case of headache: typical and atypical presentation of Cryptococcus meningitis. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 4, 2018, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Landa E, A Putrus, and K Ngo. Grandma's home remedy: an enema you should not try at home. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 19-22, 2017, in Acme, MI (poster)


  • Landa E, A Putrus, and K Ngo. Grandma's home remedy: a hydrogen peroxide enema you should not try at home. World Congress of Gastroenterology, October 13-18, 2017, in Orlando, FL (poster)


  • Landa E, R Singh, I Shanidze, and C Machado. The way to a man's heart should not be through his esophagus. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 11, 2018, in Southfield, MI (poster) (Award: Third place - Resident case report poster presentation)


  • Lightfoot G, R Sivenkat, and G Singh. A fatty case of neuropathy. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 4, 2018, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Markosyan M, E Hart, J Heffernan, and M Marshall. A Curious Case of Headache: Typical and Atypical Presentation of Cryptococcus Meningitis. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May, 2018, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Markosyan M, H Assad, B Barbat, A Hukku, A Balakrishnan, and R Bloom. Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy, social economics, and informed medical decision making. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 11, 2018, in Southfield, MI (poster)


  • Pasha A, Q Salama, E Landa, L Weiner, G Singh, S Makadsi, M Karrick, and M Ehtesham. An effort to reduce 30-day readmission rates in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 11, 2018, in Southfield, MI (oral)


  • Patel J, I Turk, A Zakaria, V Velocci, and S Sorser. An Unexpected Case of Eosinophilic Cholangitis. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 19-22, 2017, in Acme, MI (poster)


  • Patel J, I Turk, A Zakaria, V Velocci, and S Sorser. An Unexpected Case of Eosinophilic Cholangitis. American College of Gastroenterology, October, 2017, in Orlando, FL (Poster)


  • Reap L, J Ciuro, and G Singh. The Age-Old Question: Hickam's Dictum or Occam's Razor? Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 19-22, 2017, in Acme, MI (poster)


  • Stennett C, M Markosyan-Karapetyan, and A Capatina-Rata. An uncommon case of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome linked to vancomycin therapy. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 4, 2018, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Syed T, J Heffernan, E Hart, and S Aboualayouo. A Rare Case of Cholangiocarcinoma. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October, 2017, in Acme, MI (poster)


  • Takruri Y and G Kaspar. Missing lead: a twiddling mystery. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 4, 2018, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Turk I, A Zakaria, J Patel, and S Ahsan. A Long Life of Cancer- A Case of Muir–Torre Syndrome. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 19-22, 2017, in Acme, MI (poster)


  • Turk I, J Heffernan, T Syed, K Leung, and Z Iskenderian. The deadly meow: a case of pasteurella-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Providence Hospital Research Day, April 11, 2018, in Southfield, MI (poster)


  • Tyson B and K Hipp. When a Sore Throat Might Kill You: A Case of Lemierre's Syndrome. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 19-22, 2017, in Acme, MI (poster)


  • Zakaria A, B Al Share, I Turk, J Patel, E Tommolino, and S Sorser. A case of an Unusual Polyp on Screening Colonoscopy. American College of Gastroenterology, October, 2017, in Orlando, FL (poster)


  • Zakaria A, B Al Share, I Turk, G Kaspar, and C Nino. A fluttering coronary event. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians, October 19-22, 2017, in Acme, MI (poster)


  • Zakaria A, B Al Share, G Kaspar, and C Nino. A fluttering coronary event. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 11, 2018, in Southfield, MI (poster) (Award: First place - Resident case report poster presentation)


  • Zakaria A, M Wider, J Selis, M Williams, and M Marshall. Hepatic blood flow and oxygen delivery in metabolic syndrome. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 11, 2018, in Southfield, MI (oral)


  • Zlatopolsky M, G Singh, M Marshall, and J Larios. Dizzy dilemma: vestibular migraine or atypical multiple sclerosis. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 4, 2018, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)



July 2016 - June 2017
  • Zakaria A, B Al-Share, and K Al Asad. Primary Pulmonary Amebiasis Complicated With Multicystic Empyema. Case Reports in Pulmonology, 2016(Jul):8709347, 2016.  PMID 27478673


  • Zakaria A, B Al Share, I Turk, S Ahsan, and W Farra. An Uncommon Cause of a Small-Bowel Obstruction. Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine, 2017(Mar):1628215, 2017.  PMID 28386490


  • Zakaria A, I Turk, K Leung, A Capatina-Rata, and W Farra. Sarcoidosis: Is It a Possible Trigger of Inclusion Body Myositis? Case Reports in Rheumatology, 2017(Apr):8469629, 2017.  PMID 28523201


  • Zakaria A, B Al Share, S Kollepara, and C Vakhariya. External Beam Radiation and Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer: Is It a Possible Trigger of Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder? Case Reports of Oncological Medicine, 2017(May):1853985, 2017.  PMID 28638669


Conference Presentations: 

  • Al Share B, A Zakaria, I Turk, Y Ismail, S Ahsan, and MW Farra. An uncommon cause of a small bowel obstruction. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 19, 2017, in Southfield, MI (poster)


  • Al Share B, A Zakaria, E Hiner, Z Iskenderian, and N Warra. Primary Vasculitis of Center Nervous System: A Postmortem Diagnosis. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 5, 2017, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Ciuro J, A Forman, L Reap, and S Lyons. Double Expressor Lymphomas are Common, Aggressive and Overlooked. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 19, 2017, in Southfield, MI (poster)


  • Ciuro J, A Forman, L Reap, and S Lyons. Double Expressor Lymphomas are Common, Aggressive and Overlooked. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 5, 2017, in Sterling Heights, MI (oral)


  • Landa E, A Naqvi, and S Ahsan. How Did MSSA Get in the Urine? An Unlikely Microbial Journey. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 5, 2017, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Naqvi A, E Landa, and S Ahsan. How Did MSSA Get in the Urine? An Unlikely Microbial Journey. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 19, 2017, in Southfield, MI (poster)


  • Reap L, S Arslan, and L Goldman. Cholangiocarcinoma with Humoral Hypercalcemia of Malignancy and Paradoxical Calcitriol Excess. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 5, 2017, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Turk I, A Zakaria, and A Capatina-Rata. Sarcoidosis: Is it a Possible Trigger of Inclusion Body Myositis. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 5, 2017, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  • Warren M, J Patel, R Gonda, D Semaan, and M Mills. Does the degree of inferior vena cava filter tilt increase the risk of pulmonary embolism? Providence Hospital Research Day, April 19, 2017, in Southfield, MI (oral)


  • Zakaria A, B Al Share, G Kaspar, and C Nino. A fluttering coronary event. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Physicians - Residents Day, May 5, 2017, in Sterling Heights, MI (poster)


  •  Zakaria A, B Al Share, I Turk, E Tommolino, S Ahsan, S Sorser, and L Goldman. A case of an unusual polyp found on screening colonoscopy. Providence Hospital Research Day, April 19, 2017, in Southfield, MI (poster)​​



© Henry Ford Providence Hospital, Internal Medicine Residency

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